
BTC5068I The upgrade of the common agent
failed. Look in the common agent
installation log at logs/agentInstall.log
for more information.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5069E The upgrade status retrieved from the
logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file
contained the following unrecognized
value: unrecognized_status
Explanation: The value for the upgrade status was not
one of the defined values.
Administrator Response: Collect the common agent
logs and properties files, and contact customer support.
BTC5070I The IP address of the common agent has
changed. The detected IP addresses are
the following ones: IP_addresses The
updated configuration status will be
sent to the agent manager.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5071E The agent query can not be run because
there is a problem with the certificate or
because the common agent has not yet
registered with the agent manager.
Explanation: This message indicates a communication
problem between the common agent and the agent
manager. The communication failure might be caused
by one of the following reasons:
v The common agent does not have valid security
v The common agent has not yet registered with the
agent manager.
action: The common agent will continue to
run but cannot report status to the agent manager.
Administrator Response: Verify that the common
agent is registered, and that it has valid security
BTC5072E The time interval for IP address polling
that is specified in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in the
endpoint.properties file is not a valid
positive integer. This value should be
within range min_value and max_value.
The value specified is value. The default
value of 300 seconds will be used.
Explanation: The ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in
the endpoint.properties file controls how often the
common agent checks the IP address of the common
agent for changes.
Administrator Response: Correct the value in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval property and restart the
common agent. Specify the polling interval in seconds.
For example, to set the interval to 2 minutes, set the
property as follows:
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval = 120
BTC5073I command [args]
Explanation: The translatable part of the agentcli
command’s output.
BTC5074E The common agent registration failed.
The failure was caused by exception:
Explanation: The common agent was not able to
register. It describes reason.
Administrator Response: No action required.
Agent Manager messages
CTGEM0000E An error occurred while loading
information from the agent manager
configuration file,
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
agent manager configuration information from the
AgentManager.properties file.
System action: Agent manager initialization stops. The
agent manager is not operational.
Administrator Response: Make sure that the agent
manager configuration file (AgentManager.properties)
is in the correct location, and then restart the agent
manager. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0001E The agent certificate request listener
was not loaded. The listener class name
is listener_class_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
listener specified by listener_class_name. The agent
certificate request listener was not loaded.
System action: The function provided by the specified
agent certificate request listener will not be available.
The absence of a certificate request listener can result in
the rejection of all agent registration attempts.
Administrator Response: Check the WebSphere
application server message and trace files. Look at the
log information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem. If tracing is
202 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide