Log content structure: workflow –> deployment request –> workflow execution
log –> workflow execution log detail
Example workflow log export:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow id="21" name="Test Workflow 99999">
<execution-log id="21" date="Mar 10, 2005 11:48:54 AM" position="1"
call-stack-level="1" lo
<log-details position="2" name="Test Details Name">
Test Details Values</log-details>
A workflow does not install
This error can occur when workflows, parameters, and variables are named
To ensure that your workflows can be installed properly, ensure that you use valid
names for workflows, parameters and variables.
Only the following characters can be used in workflow names: a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
underscore (_), and period (.).
v The first character can be any of: a-z, A-Z, or underscore (_). It cannot be 0-9 or
a period (.)
v The last character in the name cannot be a period (.)
v Intervening characters between the first character and the last character in the
workflow can be: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore (_), or period (.)
v Workflow names can be 255 characters in length.
the following characters can be used for workflow parameter and variable
names: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore (_).
v The first character can only be: a-z, A-Z, or underscore (_). It cannot be 0-9.
v The remaining characters can be: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscore (_).
keywords cannot be used for variable names. If your workflows contain
variables with any of the following names, you must rename them.
in, inout, catch, catchall, CheckDeviceLocale, credentialskey,
DCMDelete, DCMInsert, DCMQuery, DCMUpdate, do, done,
encrypted, else, endif, endtry, error, finally, foreach,
if, implements, info, java, Java, Jython, language, LocaleInsensitive, log,
out, noop, parent, rethrow, scriptlet, then, timeout, try, target, throw,
var, warning, while, workflow
Note: Any Unicode character can be used to enter comments in workflow scripts.
Chapter 7. Common problems and known limitations in Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator 67