
Use the DB2 Universal Database Administration Client, Version 8.1 for Windows
operating systems on 32–bit systems CD instead.
Installing the common agent and the agent manager is not
Installing the common agent on the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server, where the
agent manager is also installed, is not supported.
Manually uninstall the common agent.
The system cannot connect to the database server during the
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation
During the installation, the system might indicate that it cannot connect to the
database. This error occurred because the database was not started before running
the installer. The database server must be started before you install Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator, so that the installer can connect to it.
Ensure that the database server is installed. Verify the status of the database server.
If it is not started, start it.
Use the following commands to start the DB2 Universal Database server:
v On Windows: DB2 - <instance_name>
v On UNIX: $db2start
If the database server was successfully started, you should see the following
db2start 12-21-2004 14:44:01 0 0 SQL1063N
DB2START processing was successful. SQL1063N
DB2START processing was successful
You should also verify whether the required port is available:
netstat -an |grep 50000
The Microsoft Active Directory installation fails
The Microsoft
Active Directory SSL certificate is missing. If you run the Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator installer without the SSL certificate, the Microsoft Active
Directory configuration will fail.
This is a manual configuration step that you must complete before you install
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator.
1. Generate the SSL certificate on the Microsoft Active Directory server.
2. Install the SSL certificate on the client server.
Chapter 7. Common problems and known limitations in Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator 57