COPTDM185E The file VALUE_0 is already used by
TCDriver VALUE_1.
Explanation: TCDriver file cannot be overwritten by a
file from another tcdriver.
COPTDM186E The TCDriver object VALUE_0:
VALUE_1 is still used by other DCM
Explanation: Remove all references to the TCDriver
and try again. You can also try to force the action.
COPTDM187E The TCDriver VALUE_0 is not found
in the directory VALUE_1 specified by
tcdrivermanager.xml in your
configuration directory.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTDM188E The Installed TCDriver VALUE_0 has
a newer version. Installed Version:
VALUE_1 To be installed version:
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTDM193E Multiple default values were set for
template property VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTDM194E No license is found for TCDriver
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTDM195E No driver information is found for
TCDriver VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTDM196E The argument is not valid. The
TCDriver cannot be null.
Explanation: The method for installing tcdriver has
been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
Operator response: For more information, check the
log file $TIO_LOGS\tcdrivermanager\
Utilities subsystem messages
COPUTL001E A data migration system exception
occurred. Exception: VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPUTL002E The VALUE_0 script caused an error.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPUTL003E The VALUE_0 LDAP migration caused
an error.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPUTL004E User Registry in LDAP already
migrated to VALUE_0
Explanation: No migration is needed.
COPUTL005E LDAP is not at the right state for
coexisting migration.
Explanation: Coexisting migration cannot be used,
select another migration method to continue migration.
Operator response: Check whether the LDAP is
started. Make sure the LDAP has version 2.1 data in it
before running coexisting migration.
COPUTL006E LDAP is not at the right state for
creating a new LDAP for V5.1.
Explanation: The new user registry for V5.1cannot be
Operator response: Check whether the LDAP is
started. Ensure that the LDAP does not have version
3.1 user registry data in it.
COPUTL007E LDAP is not at the right state for
transferring migrated data.
Explanation: The transfer of data between LDAPs
cannot be started.
Operator response: Check whether the LDAP is
started. Make sure that the LDAP does not have
version 2.1 user registry data in it.
COPUTL008E LDAP is not at the right state for
cleanup mode.
Explanation: The cleanup mode cannot be started.
Operator response: Check whether the LDAP is
started. The cleanup mode can only be started after
coexisting migration or transfer of version 5.1 data is
164 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide