You might want to consider the following general recommendations for backing up
your Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator system:
v Perform a full backup of your existing DB2 Universal Database or Oracle
database. General guidelines for backing up DB2 Universal Database and
Oracle9i Database data are provided in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version
5.1 Migration Guide. For more details, refer to the DB2 Universal Database
information center available at
or to the Oracle9i documentation available at
v Back up your directory server database. Considerations for Microsoft Active
Directory and general guidelines for backing up an IBM Tivoli Directory Server
database are provided in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version 5.1 Migration
Guide. For more backup and migration details, refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory
Server Installation and Configuration documentation available at:
v Back up your automation packages (.tcdriver files) using any of the standard
backup and restore tools that you are currently using. For more details on
automation packages, refer to the Developing automation packages section of the
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator information center.
For Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator publications:
1. Go to http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/intell-orch/
2. Click Technical documentation on the left.
For Tivoli Provisioning Manager publications:
1. Go to http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/prov-mgr/
2. Click Technical documentation on the left.
Performing periodic checks and maintenance
In addition to the preceding backup guidelines, here are several best practices that
can help you do even more to prevent problems:
v On Windows, periodically back up the user registry following the instructions
provided by the user registry vendor.
v Periodically check that all systems that are running Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator have sufficient disk space for runtime and problem determination
data. As your security policy grows, and the number of users, groups, and
protected objects increase, the space requirements for the policy databases,
message logs, trace logs, Common Base Event logs, and any auditing
information can increase as well. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Locating
and configuring log files,” on page 39.
v Regularly check for the availability of fix packs and install them as they become
available. Information on fix packs and other usual information can be found on
the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator support Web site, at:
Problem resolution
Use the information in this guide to identify and resolve potential problems. If you
cannot correct the problem, gather the relevant diagnostic information as described
in this guide and then use the information in Chapter 9, “Contacting IBM Tivoli
Software Support,” on page 91 to get further assistance.
6 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide