
DISSP6030W The configuration file file name was not
Explanation: You specified a configuration file that
does not exist.
Message Variables: where
file name The name of the file.
action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify the correct file name and
try the operation again.
DISSP6031W The sample file file name was not found
Explanation: You specified a sample file that does not
Message Variables: where
file name The name of the file.
action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify the correct file name and
try the operation again.
DISSP6032W You must select a file from the browser
to open the Software Package Editor
Explanation: See message.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Select a file from the browser and
then open the Software Package Editor.
DISSP6033W Unable to create the working directory
Explanation: You specified an incorrect path for the
working directory.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a correct path and try the
operation again.
DISSP6034E Enter a valid MSI file
Explanation: You specified an invalid MSI file.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a valid MSI file.
DISSP6036W Enter a valid Device Application file
Explanation: You specified an invalid device
application file.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a valid file.
DISSP6037W The configuration file specified is not
Explanation: You specified an invalid configuration
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a valid file.
DISSP6038W Enter a valid Provisioning file
Explanation: You specified an invalid provisioning
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a valid file.
DISSP6039W This package contains at least one
action that cannot be managed using the
Software Package Editor. The remaining
actions, if any, will be displayed
correctly. To edit the whole package
content, save it to .SPD format and
modify it.
Explanation: The package you are trying to open
contains actions for Nokia 9500 devices, which cannot
be viewed or edited using the Software Package Editor.
If the package contains other actions for devices, these
actions will be displayed and edited correctly.
System action: The software package is displayed in
the Software Package Editor, but the actions for Nokia
9500 devices are not displayed.
Operator response: To edit the whole software
package, save it to .spd format and modify it as
DISSP6040E Package version and Package location
are required fields.
Explanation: You must fill in all fields in this dialog
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Fill in all fields.
DISSP6042W Enter a value for the caption.
Explanation: You must fill in the caption field.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Fill in the caption field.
DISSP6042E Enter a valid directory.
Explanation: The directory format you specified is not
System action: The operation is not performed.
176 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide