Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Registration.Listeners.Agent.Issue property of the
agent manager configuration file
(AgentManager.properties). If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager.
If the exception is ClassCastException, then the
specified class does not implement the appropriate
interface, and is thus not a valid agent certificate issued
listener. Modify your program and try again.
CTGEM0005E A configuration update listener was
not loaded. The listener class name is
Explanation: The listener specified by
listener_class_name was not loaded as a configuration
update listener.
System action: The function provided by the specified
configuration update listener is not available.
Administrator Response: Check the application server
log and trace files. Look at the log information that is
generated with this error to determine the name of the
exception. The name of the exception typically indicates
the problem. If tracing is not turned on, you might
have to turn tracing on and restart the application
If the exception indicates an I/O error (IOException),
try to restart the application server. If the problem
continues, there might be either a problem with the file
system permissions or a disk failure.
For other errors, contact IBM Customer Support.
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Config.Listener.Agent and
Config.Listener.Manager properties of the agent
manager configuration file (AgentManager.properties).
If the name of the class is correct, make sure that the
class is in the class path of the agent manager.
If the exception is ClassCastException, then the
specified class does not implement the appropriate
interface, and is thus not a valid configuration update
listener. Modify your program and try again.
CTGEM0006E The renewal of a certificate was
rejected because a certificate in its chain
of trust was revoked.
The distinguished name (DN) of the
rejected certificate is
The distinguished name of the revoked
certificate is "revoked_distinguished_name".
Explanation: A certificate cannot be renewed if a
certificate in its chain of trust has been revoked.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator Response: Identify the computer
system that is trying to renew its certificate and
determine whether it should be allowed to reregister. If
you want to allow the computer system to register as
an agent, ask for agent recovery. If you do not want it
to reregister, no action is required.
CTGEM0007E The renewal of a certificate was
rejected because a valid trust path to the
certificate authority was not found. The
distinguished name (DN) of the rejected
certificate is "rejected_distinguished_name".
Explanation: A certificate cannot be renewed without
a trust path to the certificate authority. The certificate
that was submitted for renewal might have been
generated by a different certificate authority. For
example, you typically use a different certificate
authority in a test environment than you do in your
production environment. If you created an agent in a
test environment and did not completely reconfigure it
for the production environment, you will receive this
In addition to logging this message in the agent
manager message and trace files, the agent manager
throws an exception to notify the calling program about
the problem.
Administrator Response: Make sure that all of the
certificates for this agent or resource manager are
issued by the certificate authority for your
environment, or force it to reregister.
CTGEM0008W A certificate was renewed even
though the associated information was
not in the agent registry. The
distinguished name (DN) of the
renewed certificate is
Explanation: The certificate to be renewed is signed
and valid, but is not listed in the agent registry. The
certificate is renewed and its information is added to
the registry.
CTGEM0009E The agent manager cannot create the
public / private key pair of type
key_pair_type using algorithm
Explanation: The agent manager is unable to create a
public / private key pair of type key_pair_type using the
algorithm key_pair_algorithm.
204 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide