COPTCA009E Error copying Subagent jar VALUE_0
to the endpoint.
Explanation: For more information, check the
logs/msgAgent.log file on the endpoint in the agent
install directory.
COPTCA010E Error during Agent operation:
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA011E Error during WGet from the CopyFile
Explanation: For more information, check the
logs/tioCopyFileTrace.log file on the endpoint in the
agent install directory.
COPTCA012E File VALUE_0 not found on endpoint.
File copy or download failed.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA013E File VALUE_0 not found on endpoint.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA014E File VALUE_0 not found on local
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA015E Error converting path VALUE_0 to
DOS style path.
Explanation: Confirm the cygpath command is
working properly on the local server.
COPTCA016E Error creating subdirectory for file
VALUE_0 on local server.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA017E Error executing command on
endpoint: VALUE_0
Explanation: For more information, check the
logs/tioExecuteCommandTrace.log file on the endpoint
in the agent install directory.
COPTCA018E Error executing command on
endpoint: output is null
Explanation: For more information, check the
logs/tioExecuteCommandTrace.log file on the endpoint
in the agent install directory.
COPTCA019E Error converting path VALUE_0 to
DOS style path. Error message is:
Explanation: Confirm the cygpath command is
working properly on the local server.
COPTCA020E Error during WGet from the CopyFile
subagent: VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA021E Error from the CopyFile subagent:
Explanation: For more information, check the
logs/tioCopyFileTrace.log file on the endpoint in the
agent install directory.
COPTCA022E Java VM property not set: VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPTCA023E Error loading agent config file
VALUE_0. Error message is: VALUE_1.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
TC driver manager subsystem messages
154 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide