COPCOM520E Unable to parse attribute: VALUE_0
from xml config file: VALUE_1.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPCOM521E Unable to read xml config file:
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPCOM522E Incorrect MAC address: VALUE_0. A
MAC address must have 12 hex digits.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPCOM523E The template does not indicate the
software definition.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPCOM524E Incorrect Property value position for
a non array property id VALUE_0 on the
position VALUE_1.
Explanation: If a property is a non-array property, it
cannot create more than two property values. When
using createProperty or addPropertyValue to create a
new property and value, the position one will always
be used. Make sure that there is no property value
before adding a value entry for a non-array property
COPCOM525E Cannot find DCM Property Id
Explanation: DCM Property ID does not exist
COPCOM526E Property Value ID VALUE_0 does not
Explanation: The property value ID does not exist
COPCOM527E Cannot delete property value ID
Explanation: The property value ID cannot be deleted
if it is not an array property
COPCOM528E Cannot add property value
Explanation: The property value ID cannot be added
if it is not an array property
COPCOM529E Dynamic IP addresses are not
supported because the "VALUE_0" java
security property is set to "VALUE_1".
The value must be ’0’ (zero).
Explanation: The IP address caching is enabled in the
JDK, so the system cannot resolve hostnames to IP
addresses correctly.
COPCOM530E The software resource with the ID
VALUE_0 could not be found.
Explanation: Either there is no software resource with
the indicated ID or there is another object with the
indicated ID that is of a different type than a software
resource or its subtypes (such as Installation or
COPCOM531E There is no software resource with
the ID VALUE_0 that is a member of the
administrative domain with the ID
Explanation: The system initiated an operation
assuming that there is a software resource identified
with the administrative domain ID, but there was not.
COPCOM532E The server "VALUE_0" cannot be
accessed or updated.
Explanation: The MSAD server needs to be available
in local network and can be accessed from the TPM
COPCOM533E The DCM object "VALUE_0" cannot
be updated.
Explanation: The TPM data center model needs to be
updated based on MS Active directory discovery
COPCOM534E The Software Resource with the ID
"VALUE_0" has a null or empty name.
Explanation: A software resource with a null or empty
name cannot be exported as part of an administrative
domain. The name is used to associate the resource
with the administrative domain if the XML file is
imported later.
COPCOM535E The method "VALUE_0" is not
defined for class "VALUE_1".
COPCOM536E The method "VALUE_0" is not
Explanation: LWIOS User Factory does not support
the specified method.
Chapter 10. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator messages 123