
CTGEM0062E The AuthXMLRemoveAuthType
command received incorrect input
arguments. This command takes a single
argument, which is the ID of the
resource manager user ID that you want
to remove.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0063E A resource manager authorization
type cannot removed from the
Authorization.xml file because the
following exception occurred: exception
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
remove a resource manager authorization type from the
Authorization.xml file.
Administrator Response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate files and to
encrypt passwords is available:
1. Ensure that the agent manager configuration file
(AgentManager.properties) is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable
by the current user.
2. Ensure that the directory pointed to by the
ARS.directory property in the
AgentManager.properties file exists and is readable
by the current user.
3. Ensure that the value of the REG.keyPWfile.name
property in the AgentManager.properties file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the ARS.directory location.
4. Ensure that the Authorization.xml file exists and is
readable. The
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property
in the AgentManager.properties file points to the
Authorization.xml file, relative to the ARS.directory
5. When the files and properties are correct, retry the
operation that failed.
6. If the problem continues, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0150I Initializing the recovery service ...
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0151I Loading the recovery listeners ...
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0152I The recovery listener class_name was
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
CTGEM0153E The agent manager cannot load the
recovery listener: class_name. An
exception was caught:
Explanation: The agent manager cannot load the class
specified by class_name as a recovery listener because of
the exception identified by exception_class_name. The
name of the exception typically indicates the problem.
System action: If the recovery service cannot load a
recovery listener, it cannot handle recovery requests.
Administrator Response: Check the WebSphere
application server log and trace files. If tracing is not
turned on, you might have to turn tracing on and
restart the application server. Look at the log
information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem.
If the exception indicates an I/O error (IOException),
try to restart the application server. If the problem
continues, there might be a problem with the file
system permissions or a disk failure.
For other errors, contact IBM Customer Support.
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
check the properties file for the agent recovery service
(RecoveryServiceConfiguration.properties) to make sure
that the name of the class is spelled correctly. If the
name of the class is correct, make sure that the class is
in the class path of the agent manager.
If the exception is ClassCastException, then the
specified class does not implement the appropriate
interface, and is thus not a valid recovery listener.
Modify your program and try again.
CTGEM0154E The recovery service cannot be
Explanation: The recovery service cannot be
initialized. This can happen if the recovery service
configuration file
(RecoveryServiceConfiguration.properties) is missing,
or if WebSphere Application Server is incorrectly
System action: If the agent recovery service does not
start, common agents will not be able to make recovery
Administrator Response: Examine the application
server log and trace files for an exception that indicates
the problem. If tracing is not already turned on, you
might have to turn tracing on and restart the
Chapter 11. Tivoli Common Agent Services messages 215