
Staff availability
Deciding to use in-house staff as part of the migration makes it difficult to
perform regular job responsibilities while they are involved with the
migration project. This is particularly true of applications staff as current
application development and maintenance has to be put on hold.
Staff Skills
When using in-house staff basically the same education requirements exist
as those for outside consultants. These requirements are usually satisfied
through in-house or classroom education. However, using in-house staff for
the migration project also develops migration and conversion skills. These
skills, such as training on the migration method and use of any
migration/conversion tools, may not be of benefit after the migration project.
This may provide a reason to acquire them from an outside source. Outside Consultants
The alternative to using in-house staff is outside consultants. As with in-house
staff, using outside consultants has its considerations. Chiefly this is the fact
that outside consultants already bring with them expert levels of skill and
experience. One of the main benefits of exploiting this skill and experience is
that it tends to shorten the duration of the project. Utilizing outside consultants
also frees existing in-house staff to perform their regular job duties. It may also
be desired to hire new system personnel that already possess OS/390 (MVS)
skills. Lastly, one of the big considerations is the amount of financial resources
that will be required to use outside consultants. The forecasted project length
and number of consultants needed are obviously the major factors. There are
consulting firms that specialize in migrations such as this. While IBM in no way
endorses or warrants their work performance, listed below are a few of the firms
that specialize in migrations:
Automated Migration Services
IBM Global Services
MHT Services
2.5.5 Conversion Tools
There are a number of conversion tools available to assist in the migration
project. Some of the considerations when selecting conversion tools are:
Education requirements
Technical support
Listed are a few of these tools. A chapter in this publication on conversion tools
provides detailed information about these tools.
Program Translators (IBM CCCA)
Emulation - (Computer Associates CA-DUO)
Program Source Recovery - (Source Recovery)
30 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook