17.3.2 COBOL for VSE/ESA
COBOL for VSE/ESA is an LE/VSE-conforming language. If your COBOL
applications are written in COBOL/VSE, they can (subject to certain restrictions)
be migrated to OS/390 without change. You can transfer the compiled object
code from VSE to OS/390, link-edit it with OS/390 Language Environment and run
it there. This is discussed in 12.2, “VSE to OS/390 Migration Considerations” on
page 250.
17.3.3 PL/I for VSE/ESA
Even though PL/I for VSE/ESA is an LE/VSE-conforming language, you cannot
transfer your PL/I VSE compiled object code to OS/390, link-edit it and expect it
to run. You must recompile it with PL/I for MVS and VM. However, PL/I VSE
source code is compatible with PL/I for MVS and VM, so your PL/I VSE programs
should compile under PL/I for MVS and VM without change. Refer to Chapter 15,
“PL/I” on page 333 for information on migrating your PL/I VSE applications to
17.4 Migrating from Non-LE/VSE Run-time Environments
This section discusses some of the considerations of which you should be
aware, if you are migrating to OS/390, and therefore OS/390 Language
Environment, from a non-LE/VSE run-time environment.
If you are running VSE/ESA version 1 release 4 or VSE/ESA version 2, but you
are not using LE/VSE, you should consider implementing LE/VSE in your VSE
system, before migrating your run-time to OS/390. This may require that you
also implement a new version of your language compiler. However, it may be
easier to convert to a new version of compiler and run-time in the VSE
environment, which is familiar to you, than to convert to a new compiler,
run-time and operating system, all at the same time. Refer to the relevant
chapters in this book on migrating COBOL, C and PL/I applications to OS/390.
17.4.1 Options Mapping
Details of the mapping of options in OS/390 Language Environment, are to be
found in the
OS/390 Language Environment Migration Guide
. Mapping of options
for LE/VSE 1.4 are described in the
LE/VSE Programming Reference Release 4
You can also find tables comparing the use of options in DOS PL/I, C/370,
DOS/VS COBOL, or VS COBOL II, and in LE/VSE 1.4, in the
LE/VSE Run-Time
Migration Guide Release 4
In general the mapping of options from these non-LE/VSE-conforming languages,
as described in these tables, is the same for OS/390 Language Environment as
for LE/VSE. However, if you are migrating from DOS PL/I or C/370 with LE/VSE
you should also consider the information about the REPORT and ISASIZE options
in Table 36 on page 355.
354 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook