If access to a disk volume is lost, DFSMShsm can be used to perform a
full-volume restore with update.
You specify ICF catalog format by including the ICFCATALOG keyword in the
ICFCATALOG is the default when defining a catalog in OS/390.
VSAM data sets cataloged in ICF catalogs have the UNIQUE attribute -- their
space is not owned nor managed by VSAM. Since OS/390 has an integrated
Direct Access Device Space Manager (DADSM), space allocation is done through
normal JCL and DADSM facilities.
Should your migration plan have a special requirement where a VSE program
(prior to its conversion) has to access data that is under control of OS/390, then
the data set containing this data should not be cataloged in an ICF catalog.
Rather, you should then have a VSAM catalog (described in the next section) for
cataloging this data set. Once the VSAM program is converted to OS/390, the
VSAM catalog should be converted to an ICF catalog. VSAM Catalogs
VSAM catalogs are supported under OS/390 but are not recommended. These
catalogs can be defined to be identical in structure to VSE/VSAM catalogs.
(Although identical in structure, the OS/390 VSAM catalogs contain additional
information about the data sets that are defined in them; for example, data set
and device attributes, data set use statistics.) OS/390 VSAM user catalogs can
be accessed by a VSE system if proper measures are taken to assure catalog
integrity. See, “Accessing a VSE/VSAM Catalog from an OS/390 System”
on page 118.
Note that this ability of OS/390 (DFSMSdfp) VSAM to process VSAM catalogs will
not be available after December 31st 1999.
112 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook