
finding specific character strings in the data, changing them to other
character strings or to exclude the lines that contain strings,
setting HEX mode on to allow you to display data in hexadecimal format,
using language sensitive coloring, which highlights program constructs
based on the programming language, improving readability,
using the HILITE command to change the enhanced coloring and language
sensitive coloring options of the editor.
For situations where some type of repetitive change may be required, users can
write their own edit macros to perform the needed changes. ISPF provides a
macro language which allows users to perform editing functions from a REXX
exec, CLIST, or program.
ISPF also provides online models that can be inserted into the dialog. A model is
an example of a service call, panel format, table format, or message that
contains the proper syntax and all the available parameters for the programming
language being used. Since these models are online, they can be called directly
into the member being edited.
Distributed edit provides a seamless interface to edit a host file using a
workstation editor or a workstation file using the ISPF editor. Distributed edit
offers a significant opportunity for offloading host CPU cycles.
For more information see
OS/390 ISPF Edit and Edit Macros.
27.1.2 Submitting Jobs
TSO provides a SUBmit command that can be used from the TSO command line
interface for submitting jobs. In addition one can submit jobs while editing a data
set using the ISPF editor. If the first line of the data set is not a jobcard, then a
jobcard will be automatically built using parameters from the TSO logon. In that
case the job name would be the TSO user ID suffixed by a user supplied
character. The RACF user ID for the job is normally the same RACF user ID as
was used by the TSO logon.
27.1.3 Using ISPF Utilities
In addition to editing of data sets, ISPF utilities are available to allocate, delete,
catalog, uncatalog, and compress data sets, and display statistics about an
entire data set or volume. ISPF also allows you to copy, move, rename, print,
delete, and display information about members in a partitioned data set.
Note: In some situations such as copying or compressing large partitioned data
sets, it may be better to use a batch utility such as IEBCOPY run as part of a job,
than to perform the function under TSO/ISPF.
ISPF provides a utility option to create the IDCAMS commands to define, delete,
and list catalog information for VSAM data sets.
ISPF provides a SuperC utility to compare data sets of unlimited size and record
length at the file, line, word, or byte level. There is also a Search-For utility that
can be used to search your data sets or PDS members for one or more
character strings.
Chapter 27. Orienting ICCF Users to TSO/ISPF 439