
ABPERC In LE/VSE you can specify the abend code to the option ABPERC
in one of three formats. These formats are:
In OS/390 Language Environment you can only specify S
. I
is not allowed, and if you specify it you will receive
an error message similar to:
CEE3616I The string I12was not a valid suboption of the
run-time option ABPERC.
You should review your use of the ABPERC option carefully
before migrating to OS/390 Language Environment as the
meaning of the OS/390 system abend codes specified by S
are different to the VSE/ESA cancel codes specified by S
NATLANG The default setting for the NATLANG option in LE/VSE is
NATLANG(UEN). The default setting for the NATLANG option in
OS/390 Language Environment is NATLANG(ENU). UEN is
upper-case U.S. English. ENU is mixed-case U.S. English.
The NATLANG option specifies the initial language to be used for
the run-time environment, including error messages, month
names and day-of-the-week names. If you specify an unknown
national language, the error messages and so on, are displayed
in the default national language.
MSGFILE The MSGFILE option has different suboptions and default values
in OS/390 Language Environment to its LE/VSE counterpart. You
should read the description of MSGFILE in the
OS/390 Language
Environment Programming Reference
In LE/VSE, MSGFILE has only one suboption,
. The
default is SYSLST. If you specify or default to SYSLST for
MSGFILE, all output from CEEMSG and CEEMOUT callable
services, and RPTOPTS and RPTSTG options is written to
In OS/390 Language Environment there are four suboptions,
ddname, recfm, lrecl, blksize
. The defaults for these suboptions
are (SYSOUT,FBA,121,0). However, if you continue to use
SYSLST this is accepted by OS/390 Language Environment and
the output is written to SYSOUT. If SYSOUT is specified in your
OS/390 job control //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* then the output
from CEEMSG, CEEMOUT, RPTOPTS and RPTSTG will appear in
your listing.
TERMTHDACT TERMTHDACT in LE/VSE has only four suboptions, TRACE,
QUIET, MSG and DUMP. TERMTHDACT in OS/390 Language
Environment also has the UADUMP suboption. If specified, on an
abnormal termination, the UADUMP suboption generates a
system dump of the user address space. TERMTHDACT in
OS/390 Language Environment is described in the
Language Environment Programming Reference
Note: The UADUMP option is available in LE/VSE releases later
than 1.4, and also in LE/VSE 1.4 via APAR PQ08538. Its usage is
the same as for OS/390 Language Environment.
360 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook