manner. That is, not concurrent with OS/390 and/or VM/ESA. This has lead users
to ponder whether VSE is a viable and strategic S/390 operating system. This
lack of confidence has forced these users to look at OS/390 as a more stable and
strategic operating system with a viable long term outlook. An outlook that often
catches the eye of upper I/S management and spurs the move toward OS/390.
The introduction of VSE/ESA′s exploitation of the ESA/390 platform however has
alleviated some of this doubt. It is fair to say that the focus for VSE/ESA is
support for the entry to medium sized enterprises. With this in mind, it is
reasonable to not expect the full array of functionality and support with VSE/ESA
that one would expect with OS/390. OS/390 will continue to focus on the
intermediate-large to very large ′leading-edge′ environments.
1.3 Functional Reasons for Migrating to OS/390
Besides some of the traditional reasons discussed in the previous section, there
also exist some functional or other practical reasons for migrating to OS/390.
While there are probably other functional reasons for migrating, this section will
cover those that are typically the most common. Particularly, those that relate to
applications and systems management.
1.3.1 Applications Availability
The backbone and primary purpose of any information system is its applications.
This software, often considered mission critical, justifies the whole existence of
information systems. Mission critical applications are those applications that are
seen as most vital and crucial to the running of any business. The choice of
application software is driven by business requirements. The hardware and
software platforms required to support a given application is a secondary
decision. Thus VSE users may find that the choice of a particular application may
require the installation of another hardware and/or software platform. They may
also consider a complete migration to this other software platform. Some S/390
business applications may only support OS/390. These applications may take
advantage of some of the unique characteristics of OS/390 and/or its subsystems
such as CICS Transaction Server, DB/2 or CICSPlex System Manager. A set of
applications requiring a full function (level 2) message queuing manager, as
provided by MQSeries for OS/390, is another example of OS/390 unique
application capabilities.
With the announcement of Open Edition support in OS/390 a whole new set of
application functions are now available to the S/390 user. Specifically,
applications that were formally only available on UNIX type platforms are now
available to the S/390 user. Applications such as Lotus Domino, PeopleSoft, SAP
and full function Web serving bring additional application capability to the S/390
platform under OS/390.
1.3.2 Systems Management
Some of the traditional OS/390 strengths of high availability, systems
management, performance, scalability and capacity have also been great
attractions for the VSE user. OS/390 provides management capabilities that allow
the system to more effectively manage the workload over those capabilities
provided by VSE. Facilities such as OS/390 performance groups and the
Workload manager provide this greater workload management flexibility.
10 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook