Chapter 25. Prepare the Migration Environment
25.1 Introduction
Setting up the OS/390 environment, similar to setting up the VSE environment,
involves installing the prerequisite hardware and software, and tailoring the
system for your environment. As an example, we can describe it with the
following steps:
Install and configure the required hardware.
Order and receive the OS/390 software along with all desired features,
corequisite products, publications and so on.
Install the OS/390 software. For first time users of OS/390, we recommend
that you install using SystemPac along with on-site services or other
installation offerings. There are several services that provide more
assistance such as SoftwareXcel Installation Express (SIE) in the United
Establish an inter-systems communication mechanism between your existing
VSE system and the new OS/390 system for migrating and sharing data,
programs and resources.
Set up your documentation, standards, operating procedures, training, and
systems management mechanisms to manage and maintain the system.
Customize the OS/390 operating system, and necessary subsystems such as
DFSMS, JES2, VTAM, RACF, and CICS. (Much of this may be done as part of
the SIE installation.)
The following OS/390 documentation will help you get started:
OS/390 Introduction and Release Guide
, GC28-1725
OS/390 Planning for Installation
, GC28-1726
OS/390 MVS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) Planning
, GC28-1750
OS/390 Software Management Cookbook
, SG24-4775
SystemPac, SIE, or ServerPac documentation.
In addition, here′s a list of DFSMS manuals that can be used for implementing
DFSMS/MVS General Information
, GC26-4900
DFSMS/MVS Planning for Installation
, SC26-4919
Implementing System-Managed Storage
, SC26-3123
OS/390 Information Roadmap
, GC28-1727, and Appendix E, “Related
Publications” on page 557 for a list of other documents.
OS/390 education for the systems programming staff is critical to the success of
this installation. See IBM Education and Training′s OS/390 course curricula for
your area. Contact your IBM Representative or their Web site at the following
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