Chapter 27. Orienting ICCF Users to TSO/ISPF
There are many facets of VSE/ICCF that are done differently in OS/390. TSO
along with ISPF and SDSF provide functions that were previously done using
27.1 TSO/ISPF and SDSF
ISPF is a dialog manager and runs under TSO on OS/390. ISPF provides a
powerful environment that can be used for both development activities along
with job submission. SDSF extends this environment by providing facilities that
allow for both job monitoring and job output viewing. These tools are normally
used by system programmers, application programmers and production control
ISPF is actually several distinct ″features″ integrated together:
Dialog Manager (DM) provides services for application developers to easily
create and display applications, including Display Services, Variable
Services, Table Services, and File Tailoring Services.
Program Development Facility (PDF) provides utilities and services for
application developers to create and maintain applications, including Edit,
View, and Browse, a wide range of data set utilities, and foreground and
batch compilers.
Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) provides a robust
environment for controlling a software development environment and tools to
manage the environment.
ISPF Client/Server provides application developers with the ability to both
incorporate the workstation into the development process and use it to run
applications. Existing ISPF applications will run ′in GUI mode′ with no
changes, and a set of distributed services are available to edit and build
using workstation tools.
VisualAge ISPF, a visual development solution utilizing the composition
editor of IBM′s VisualAge technology, can be used to create new ISPF panels
and modify existing ISPF panels for use on 3270 and GUI screens.
An ISPF Application Server and ISPF Workstation Agent Applet allows legacy
(and new) ISPF applications to be accessible from the World Wide Web.
Other functions provided by ISPF include:
Ability to communicate with OS/390 through TSO commands, CLISTs or REXX
Ability to split the physical display screen into two or more logical screens
(ISPF enables a maximum of 32). The logical screens are treated as though
they are independent ISPF sessions. For example, one could edit two
members of a partitioned data set, or view error messages in the output of a
compile job while editing the source.
Ability to use referral lists for data set selection from the View Entry, Edit
Entry, and most of the Utilities panels. Reference lists are active lists of data
sets and libraries that you have referenced in your ISPF session. You can
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