Chapter 6. CICS
6.1 Introduction
This section is directed to individuals with a working knowledge of both CICS for
VSE/ESA and CICS Transaction Server. Without this knowledge, a reader may
find this section less fulfilling. Also, you should understand that the scope of this
section is to provide general migration tasks and considerations, and should not
be considered a replacement for the manuals referenced in this section and/or
an individual CICS migration experience.
In the context of this chapter, CICS for VSE/ESA 2.3 is the source subsystem, on
which the subject migration activities and consideration are based, although
some notes discuss parameters and/or illustrations of pre-CICS for VSE/ESA 2.3
subsystems. Also, references to CICS for VSE/ESA 2.3 may be used
interchangeably with CICS/VSE or CICS/DOS/VS.
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 1.2 is the resultant migrated subsystem, in
which all activities/tasks should reside. Please note that references to CICS
Transaction Server 1.2 may be used interchangeably with CICS/ESA, and/or
In the final section CICS with DL/I DOS/VS is discussed. References to DL/I
DOS/VS may be used interchangeably with DL/I.
6.1.1 Overview CICS Transaction Server
As an overview, the base CICS element of CICS Transaction Server is CICS 5.2.
This element, the CICS successor to CICS/ESA 4.1, is exclusive and includes
features and products available with prior CICS versions:
CICS Web Interface
Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC)
CICS Transaction Affinities Utility
CICS-DB2 attachment facility
The non-exclusive elements of the product, also available as separate products,
REXX Development System for CICS/ESA
REXX Runtime Facility for CICS/ESA
CICS Distributed Data Management (DDM)
CICS Application Migration Aid Version 1.1
CICSPlex SM Version 1.3
CICS Clients Version 2.0.2
Transaction Server for OS/2 Warp Version 4 (90-day evaluation copy)
New functions included in this release of the single package solution are:
Support for single MVS (R) image systems using the DASD logging function
of OS/390, provided in OS/390 Version 2 Release 4. Supports single image in
sysplex configurations without a coupling facility (non-parallel sysplex) and
stand-alone OS/390 systems (single-system sysplex).
New interface that allows 3270-based CICS transactions to run unchanged
without a 3270 terminal.
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