NJE Network Management Records JES2 records the following information
reflecting network events:
SMF 55 Network Signon
SMF 56 Network Integrity (invalid password)
SMF 58 Network Signoff
System Management Facilities
for details.
NJE Accounting
Most NJE related information is carried in the NJE headers as the job is routed
from node to node. Here is a summary of the differences between POWER and
JES2 accounting records for NJE:
KEY: - N/R - Not Recorded
Table 16. Accounting Records for NJE Activities
NJE Activity VSE/POWER Account
Job Transmission Transmit/Receive
Account Record
SYSOUT Transmission Transmit/Receive
Account Record
Job & SYSOUT Receipt Transmit/Receive
Account Record
- N/R -
Signons - N/R - SMF55
Signoffs Network Account Record SMF58
Start BSC Line - N/R - SMF47
Start SNA Line - N/R - SMF52
Stop BSC Line - N/R - SMF48
Stop SNA Line - N/R - SMF53
Line PW Violation - N/R - SMF49
Node PW Violation - N/R - SMF56
10.3.10 RAS Characteristics
JES2 has extensive recovery routines in the event of a failure within the spooling
subsystem; many more than VSE/POWER. Here are some examples:
Program check within the JES2 code
Hardware Problem: Defective Track on Spool Disk Error Recovery and the
JES2 “BADTRACK” initialization statement.
Defective Spool Volume - Work continues without defective spool volume,
replace if required
Defective Track/Volume in Checkpoint - Checkpoint reconfiguration dialog
Tape I/O Error - Error Recovery (not JES)
Start JES2 without IPL with a Hot Start
Spool Filling Warning Message
224 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook