In MVS the buffers are always acquired dynamically by the compiler. This option
is therefore suppressed. LIMSCONV
An option of DOS PL/I to generate strong external references to PL/I conversion
library modules only for those conversions deemed reasonablefor the data
types of variables that appear in GET DATA and GET LIST statements. Without
LIMSCONV the whole PL/I conversion is of much less importance in virtual
storage systems. MVS PL/I does not support it. LINK
This option is replaced by the conditional execution function offered by MVS JCL.
It therefore no longer exists in MVS. NAME
This option is functionally equivalent in the two compilers. The control statement
generated for the link edit has of course a different format. It allows, among
other compiler possibilities, several independent PL/I programs to be compiled
in a single pass and to link-edit these programs in one pass (batched
compilations). WORKFILE
This option was used to define the type of compiler workfiles, but has no use in
MVS and is suppressed. (The access method modules being loaded dynamically
at OPEN, the workfiles are independent of physical units.)
15.2.2 Options Specific to the MVS Compiler GONUMBER
Analogous to the GOSTMT option, it gives the line number in the case of an
abnormal termination, for example a conversion error, instead of the number of
the instruction. It requires the NUMBER option. This option is used under TSO
and CMS, the editors of these two time-sharing systems numbering the lines of
the source program. NUMBER
This option informs the compiler that the input is numbered. SEQUENCE
This option indicates to the compiler where to find the line numbers in the
source program. STATEMENT
This option requests the compiler to number the instructions of the source
336 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook