The page count of the pages printed can be read from the message
window or through a remote console without the need for a status
page to be printed.
The Miscellaneous submenu allows you to change printer configura-
tions, such as defaults and message window language.
If you need to cancel all of the configuration changes you have made,
you can reset all of the configuration settings to their factory defaults.
Menu Administration/Engine/Page Counters/Sheets Printed
Choices Ten-digits, non-configurable. (For information only.)
Default Current page count
Notes The sheets printed number represents the number of media
pages that have been fed through the printer. A duplexed page
increments this counter by only one.
Menu Administration/Engine/Page Counters/Faces Printed
Choices Ten-digits, non-configurable. (For information only.)
Default Current faces printed count
Notes The faces printed number represents the number of page
faces that have been printed. A duplexed page would
increment this counter by two.
Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Restore Defaults
Choices Yes, No
Default No
Notes This process takes several minutes to complete.