These options are used to name output bins 1 and 2.
This option sets the print engine’s default resolution.
This option sets the print engine’s gamma correction.
When a media jam or other similar error occurs, the printer can reprint
the job starting from the page on which the jam occurred.
Menu Administration/Engine/Outputbin x Name
Choices Up to 16 alphanumeric characters
Default Outputbin 1 “upper”/ Outputbin 2 “face up”
Menu Administration/Engine/Def Resolution
Choices 300 dpi—300x300 dpi resolution.
600 dpi—600x600 dpi resolution.
Default 600 dpi
Menu Administration/Engine/Gamma Correction
Choices 0,1,2,3
Default 0
Notes Gamma correction produces optimum print quality for
halftones. For information on gamma correction, see chapter
4, “Print Quality,” in this
Menu Administration/Engine/Page Recovery
Choices On—Reprints from the page on which the jam or error
Off—Doesn’t reprint a print job when a jam or error occurs.
Default On