Sets the software communication protocol used by the printer to con-
trol communication from the host computer.
Sets the software communication protocol used by the host computer
to control communication with the printer.
Sets the number of data bits transmitted per character.
Sets the number of stop bits transmitted per character.
Choices Off—Ignore parity errors. The printer prints its best
interpretation of the character(s) affected by the error.
On—Don’t ignore parity errors. The printer replaces the
character(s) affected by the error with a question mark.
Default Off
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Rcv Sw Flow Ctl
Choices ETX/ACK, Robust XON/XOFF, None, XON/XOFF
Default None
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Xmit Sw Flow Ctl
Choices ETX/ACK, None, XON/XOFF
Default None
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Data Bits
Choices 7 Bits, 8 Bits
Default 8 Bits
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Stop Bits
Choices 1 Bit, 2 Bits
Default 1 Bit