release, and number of sheets printed), printer settings (Post-
Script level, start-up options, paper handling information, resolu-
tion, and gamma correction setting), current memory
configuration, time-outs, communication settings and input buffer
sizes for all standard and optional interfaces, and hard disk status
(address, size, and free space). In addition, an angle bar prints in
the lower-left corner for image alignment.
Advanced—This document, which can be five or more pages
long, contains the same information as the standard status page
as well as configuration menu settings and a full list of fonts and
downloaded emulations.
After you have identified the type of status page to print, send it to the
printer in one of the following ways:
Use the PS Executive Series Utilities (see the PS Executive on-
line help for instructions).
Use the control panel keys to select “Yes” in the Print Status
menu option.
The Cancel key has two functions:
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Status Page Type
Choices Standard, Advanced
Default Standard
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Print Status
Choices Yes, No
Default Yes