Set orientation %%IncludeFeature:lporientation
Set tabs %%IncludeFeature:tabs
Specify character map type %%IncludeFeature:map
Wrap lines %%IncludeFeature:autowrap
Select PostScript level %%IncludeFeature:languagelevel
Collate print jobs %%IncludeFeature:collate
Select emulation %%IncludeFeature:emulation
Select paper %%IncludeFeature:input
Select number of copies %%IncludeFeature:numcopies
Select orientation %%IncludeFeature:orientation
Select output bins %%IncludeFeature:output
Set printer resolution %%IncludeFeature:resolution
This section provides updated information on HP PCL 4 and PCL 5
DOCs. This information will be merged into the appropriate manuals
as they are revised. But until then, it supersedes the following:
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
manual (part number
A font is a unique set of objects that has an ID and attributes (symbol
set, spacing, pitch, height, style, weight, and typeface number). A font
is accessed by specifying a desired set of attributes. The system