
Function Sets the rotation to be used when the image is decompressed.
Syntax %%Rotation
degree 00° rotation
9090° rotation
180180° rotation
270270° rotation
Default 0–The image is not rotated
Notes Rotation occurs about the current image position origin set by the
%%ImagePosition command. If no %%ImagePosition
command has been used, rotation occurs about the origin (0,0).
Any rotation (except 0) about the default image position (0,0)
causes the image to be rotated off the page. Therefore, any
rotation other than 0° must coincide with a %%ImagePosition
Function Sets line-end flags, which indicate whether CCITT end-of-lines
are included in the image data.
Syntax %%LineEnd
Indicates that end-of-lines are required in the image
data. Otherwise, an error results.
false Indicates that end-of-lines are not required in the
image data but, if present, are accepted with no error.
Default false
Function Indicates whether a CCITT End of Block is included in the image