
You can select the input bin (tray or cassette) from which the printer
pulls media when printing the header page.
A trailer page is a separator page that prints after a print job to help
users sort out their jobs and, if requested, identify print job errors.
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Header Page
Choices On—Print a header page before each job.
Off—Don’t print a header page before each job.
Default Off
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Header Inputbin
Choices Upper—Pull header page media from the upper input bin.
Lower—Pull header page media from the lower input bin.
Default Upper
Notes If you used the Administration/Engine/Inputbin
Name options
to change the names of the input bins, these names replace
Upper and Lower in the message window.
Menu Administration/Special Pages/Trailer Page
Choices Off—Don’t print a trailer/error page for each print job.
On—Print a trailer/error page for each print job.
On Error—If any print job errors exist, print a trailer page that
lists the errors as well as other trailer page information.
Errors Only—If any print job errors exist, print a trailer page
that lists the errors but omits other trailer page information.
Default Off
Notes See the
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
manual for
more information.