shown on the start-up page match those in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you need make no further changes. Go
to the section “Special PC Concerns,” later in this chapter.
If the printer’s serial port settings are different from your PC’s
settings, use the printer control panel, as described in the fol-
lowing section, “Changing Serial Port Settings,” to make them
Since your printer is configured at the factory for the most typical
printing environments, the serial settings in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
and on the start-up page may be the same. However, if they differ,
you must configure the printer to use the serial settings specified in
the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The following instructions explains how to use the printer control
panel to configure the printer’s serial settings:
1 Press the printer control panel Online/Offline key.
The indicator goes out and the message window displays
2 Press the Menu key to enter the top-level menu.
3 Press the Next key one or more times until the message win-
dow displays
4 Press the Select key to enter the Administration menu.
5 Press the Next key one or more times until the message win-
dow displays
6 Press the Select key to enter the Communications menu.