Syntax %%IncludeFeature:removeresource(
resource id object id
Purpose Identifies an external object that is to be removed from the
printer system.
Notes This is an obsolete DOC command that is identical to the
remove command, except that it does not allow specification of
an object type. The DOC string “removeresource(aaa bbb)” is
equivalent to “remove(aaa bbb *)”.
Variables resource id
Purpose Indicates the resource from which the object is to be
Range 0-6
Default N/A
Format Integer
Notes This ID must be specified. It indicates the resource
from which the desired object is to be removed.
There is no way to specify “all resources.” If a
%%IncludeFeature:install command precedes the
%%IncludeFeature:remove command, the remove
command is ignored (these commands are mutually
exclusive). If the disk does not exist, PCL issues the
error message.
object id
Purpose Specifies the ID of the object that is to be removed
from the printer system.
Range *, -1 to 32767
Default -1 (wildcard)
Format Integer
Notes If the object id is not specified, or it is specified as * or
-1, all objects on the specified resource with the
specified object type are removed.