
Sets the number of seconds the interface waits for data from the host
before terminating a spooled print job.
Enables (and identifies an end-of-job sequence) or disables data
stream sensing for the end-of-document (EOD) command.
Notes This value must be less than K Mem For Spool.
A 00000 value does not turn off the spooling buffer for the
serial interface. If the value is set to 00000, the printer
calculates the Min K Spool automatically at initialization.
The printer must be restarted for changes to the Min K Spool
menu to take effect. You can either let the printer restart
automatically after you save the change and exit the
Configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take
effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/Spool Timeout
Choices 00000-99999
Default 00030
Menu Administration/Communications/Serial/End Job Mode
Choices None—The printer recognizes only the PostScript ^D
QMS EOD—The printer recognizes only the QMS
%%EndOfDocument command.
HP EOD—The printer recognizes only the HP
<ESC>%12345X command.
Default None
Notes See chapter 5, “Additional Technical Information,” for details on
how to implement this feature on your QMS 1725 SLS Print