The control panel message window provides status and configuration
information. Status messages are listed in chapter 6, “Troubleshoot-
ing Printer Problems.”
Status messages and configuration menus can be displayed in the
message window in English, French, German, or Spanish. If you
need to change the message window language, use the Keypad Lan-
guage option in the Administration/Miscellaneous menu. If you’re not
familiar with using the configuration menu, refer to chapter 2, “Printer
Configuration,” for complete information.
This light will flash to indicate the printer is terminating the
current print job.
Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Keypad Language
Choices English, French, German, Spanish
Default English
Notes The printer must be restarted for changes to the Keypad
Language menu to take effect. You can either let the printer
restart automatically after you save the change and exit from
the configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take
effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.