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If the total number of characters being stripped is greater than the number of characters in the collected data,
it becomes a zero byte data string.
If, in addition, Strip Code ID is enabled, and no prefix or suffix is configured, the processing will return a zero-
byte data packet, which will be rejected.
The operation of each type of stripping is defined below:
This strips the number of characters specified from the beginning of the collected data (not including
Code ID). The data is stripped unconditionally. This action is disabled by default.
This strips the number of characters specified from the end of the collected data (not including Code ID).
The data is stripped unconditionally. This action is disabled by default.
Code ID
Strips the Code ID based on the type code ID specified in the Enable Code ID field in the Data Options
tab. By default, Code ID stripping is enabled for every symbology (meaning code IDs will be stripped,
unless specifically configured otherwise).
Bar Code Data Match List
This panel is used to strip data that matches the entry in the Match list from the bar code. Enter the data to
be stripped in the text box and tap the Insert or Add button. The entry is added to the Match list.
To remove an entry from the Match list, highlight the entry in the list and click the Remove button.
Click the OK button to store any additions, deletions or changes.