1 Contents, Index, and Search tabs
2 Display area
3 Help toolbar
Contents, Index, and Search tabs
The Contents, Index, and Search tabs enable you to find any topic in the HP Image
Zone Help.
● Contents
The Contents tab provides a top-down view of the topics in the Help, similar to
the table of contents in a book. This is a useful way to find all the information
provided about a single feature, such as printing photos.
– For information on tasks and features available from the control panel of your
HP All-in-One, open the 3100, 3200, 3300 series Help near the bottom of
the list.
– For troubleshooting information about your HP All-in-One, open the
Troubleshooting and support book, and then open the 3100, 3200, 3300
series Troubleshooting book.
– The other books listed on the Contents tab provide information on using the
HP Image Zone software to complete tasks on your HP All-in-One.
Sections that contain subtopics are indicated in
the list by a book icon. To view a list of the
subtopics within a book, click the + sign next to
the book icon. (The + sign changes to a - sign
when the section is already expanded.) To view
the information in a topic, click the book name or
topic name on the Contents tab. The selected
topic appears in the display area on the right.
● Index
The Index tab provides an alphabetical list of index entries relevant to the topics
in the HP Image Zone Help.
Chapter 2
18 HP Photosmart 3100 All-in-One series
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