3. Press the number that corresponds to the next letter. Press the button multiple
times until the correct letter appears. The first letter of a word is automatically set
to uppercase.
To enter a space, pause, or symbol
– To insert a space, press Space (#).
– To enter a pause, press Symbols (*). A dash appears in the number
– To enter a symbol, such as @, press the Symbols (*) button repeatedly to
scroll through the list of available symbols: asterisk (*), dash (-), ampersand
(&), period (.), slash (/), parentheses ( ), apostrophe ('), equals (=), number
sign (#), at (@), underscore (_), plus (+), exclamation (!), semi colon (;),
question (?), comma (,), colon (:), percent (%), and approximation (~).
4. If you make a mistake, press an arrow button to select Clear on the visual
keyboard, and then press OK.
When you are finished entering text, numbers, or symbols, press
, , , or
to select Done on the visual keyboard, and then press OK.
Use the HP Image Zone software
You can use the HP Image Zone software to access many features not available from
the control panel.
The HP Image Zone software is installed on your computer when you set up your
HP All-in-One. For further information, see the Setup Guide that came with your device.
Note If you selected the minimum installation of the HP Image Zone
software, the HP Image Zone Express software is installed rather than the full
application. HP Image Zone Express is recommended for computers with
limited memory resources. HP Image Zone Express includes a basic set of
photo editing features instead of the standard set that is included on the full
installation of HP Image Zone.
Any mention of the HP Image Zone software in this guide and in the onscreen
HP Image Zone Help refers to both versions of HP Image Zone unless
otherwise noted.
You can quickly and easily expand the functionality of your HP All-in-One by using the
HP Image Zone software. Look for boxes like this throughout the guide that provide
topic-specific tips and helpful information for your projects.
Access to the HP Image Zone software differs by operating system (OS). For
example, if you have a Windows computer, the HP Image Zone software entry point
is the HP Solution Center. If you have a Mac, the HP Image Zone software entry
point is the HP Image Zone window. Regardless, the entry point serves as the
launching pad for the HP Image Zone software and services.
Chapter 1
12 HP Photosmart 3100 All-in-One series