Chapter 44 A/D Converter
3.Registers of A/D Converter
Conversion time = CT value * CLKP cycle * 10 + (4 * CLKP)
Remarks : Do not set conversion time over 500 us.
[bit 9 to 0] ST9-0 (Analog input sampling time set)
These bits specify sampling time of analog input.
Initialized these bits to "0000101100" by reset.
Sampling time = ST value * CLKP cycle
Remarks : Do not set sampling time below 1.2 us when AVCC is below 4.5 V.
Necessary sampling time and ST value are calculated by following.
Necessary sampling time (Tsamp) = (Rext + Rin) * Cin * 7
ST9 to ST0 = Tsamp / CLKP cycle
ST has to be set that sampling time is over Tsamp.
ex. CLKP = 32MHz, AVCC >= 4.5V, Rext = 200K
Tsamp = ( 200 * 103 + 2.52 * 103 ) * 10.7 * 10-12 * 7 = 15.17 [us]
ST = 15.17-6 / 31.25-9 = 485.44
ST has to be set over 486
Tsamp is decided by Rext. Thus conversion time should be considered together with Rext.
3.5 A/D Channel Setting Register (ADSCH, ADECH)
These registers specify the channels for the A/D converter to convert. Do not update these registers while the A/D
converting is operating.
■ A/D channel setting register (ADSCH, ADECH)
• ADSCH (ADC0): Address 01AAh (Access: Word, Half-word, Byte)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Bit
- - - ANS4 ANS3 ANS2 ANS1 ANS0
-- -00000
RX, W0 RX, W0 RX, W0 R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Attribute