Chapter 30 I/O Ports
3.Port Register Settings
■ P20: The functions of Port 20 are controlled by PFR20 and EPFR20
P20[7:0] is input/output for LIN-UART serial communication signals SCK, SOT, SIN of channels 2 and 3, Up-/
Down-Counter inputs ZIN, BIN, AIN of channels 0 and 1, and Free Run Timer FRT inputs CK of channels 2 and
3. Otherwise, the port can be used as general purpose port.
PFR20.6 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
EPFR20.6 0 - Resource function is SCK3 input/output
1 - Resource function is ZIN1 and CK3 input
PFR20.5 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
EPFR20.5 0 - Resource function is SOT3 output
1 - Resource function is BIN1 input
PFR20.4 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SIN3 and AIN1 input
PFR20.2 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
EPFR20.2 0 - Resource function is SCK2 input/output
1 - Resource function is ZIN0 and CK2 input
PFR20.1 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
EPFR20.1 0 - Resource function is SOT2 output
1 - Resource function is BIN0 input
PFR20.0 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SIN2 and AIN0 input
Addr 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 initial
PFR20 0D94h - PFR20.6 PFR20.5 PFR20.4 - PFR20.2 PFR20.1 PFR20.0 -000 -000
EPFR20 0DD4h - EPFR20.6 EPFR20.5 - - EPFR20.2 EPFR20.1 - -00- -00-