Chapter 29 MPU / EDSU
If EEMM is set to ’1’ then the emulation mode is entered during Step Trace Mode and EDSU exceptions Instruction
Break, Operand Break and Tool NMI. During emulation mode the Watchdog Timer (WDT) is disabled. EDSU trig-
gered emulation mode is left with the RETI instruction.
Set to ’0’ disables emulation mode function. The WDT is not stopped during Step Trace and EDSU exceptions.
BIT[6]: PFD - Phantom Filter Disable
The default (PFD=0) is to use policies to filter out phantom interrupts and wrong status bits, which may be set in
• The instruction fetched, after RETI was executed, is normally the instruction on which the break point was set.
Fetch is repeated after processing the breakpoint handler ISR before executing the instruction at the break
point. The filter avoids that the trigger of the break condition will be repeated.
• Not granted Instruction Break exceptions are timed out
— Pre-fetched, but not executed commands
— Commands after delayed slot instruction
• Consecutive break conditions which are pre-fetched are not allowed to set flags. Only the instruction at which
the break condition occures at first time can set status bits accordingly.
• Nested Instruction breaks are not allowed (break within the break handler ISR)
BIT[5:4]: SINT[1:0] - Select resource INTerrupt source
SINT1 and SINT0 select the active resource interrupt source.
1 Enable emulation mode
0 Instruction break detection uses phantome filter (default)
1 Phantome Filter disabled
SINT[1:0] MB91V460 Resource
00 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 0 selected (default) UART 0 RX / UART 0 TX
01 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 1 selected UART 1 RX / UART 1 TX
10 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 2 selected UART 2 RX / UART 2 TX
11 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 3 selected CAN 0 / CAN 1
SINT[1:0] MB91F467DA Resource
00 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 0 selected (default) UART 2 RX / UART 2 TX
01 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 1 selected UART 4 RX / UART 4 TX
10 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 2 selected UART 5 RX / UART 5 TX
11 Tool NMI by interrupt on source 3 selected CAN 0 / CAN 1