Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Step 1 Select Association > Advanced. The Association: Advanced dialog box appears.
Step 2 To define advanced associations, enter the following:
Note Clicking Clear removes all the current entries in the window and any
entries you have made in other Template windows up until that point.
Table 3-7 Advanced Association Settings
Field Description
Alert Severity Level From the list select one of the following:
• systemFatal—Indicates an event that prevents
operation of the port or device.
• protocolFatal—Indicates an event that prevents
operation of the port or device
• portFatal—Indicates an event that prevents
operation of the port or device
• systemAlert—Indicates that you need to take
action to correct the condition.
• protocolAlert—Indicates that you need to take
action to correct the condition.
• portAlert—Indicates that you need to take
action to correct the condition.
• externalAlert—Indicates that you need to take
action to correct the condition.