Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Read “.ini” file from file server? From the list, select one of the following:
• always—Use this setting for the access
point to always load configuration
settings from an .ini file on the server.
• never—Use this setting for the access
point to never load configuration
settings from an .ini file on the server.
• if specified by server—Use this setting
for the access point to load configuration
settings from an .ini file on the server if
the server’s DHCP or BOOTP response
specifies that an .ini file is available.
BOOTP Server Timeout (sec’s) Enter the length of time the access point
waits to receive a response from a single
BOOTP server.
DHCP Multiple-Offer Timeout
Enter the length of time the access point
waits to receive a response when there are
multiple DHCP servers.
DHCP Requested Lease
Duration (min’s)
Enter the length of time the access point
requests for an IP address lease from your
DHCP server.
DHCP Minimum Lease Duration
Enter the shortest amount of time the access
point accepts for an IP address lease. The
access point ignores leases shorter than this
DHCP Class Identifier Enter the access point’s group name.
The DHCP server uses the group name to
determine the response to send to the access
Table 3-14 Services Start-Up Settings (continued)
Field Description