Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Managing Configuration Jobs
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Step 3 Select the choices in the Template Menu to create a configuration template. For a
description, see Template Choices, page 3-2.
Deleting a Template
Use this option to delete a configuration template.
Note Your login determines whether you can use this option.
Step 1 Select Configure > Templates. The Templates dialog box appears.
Step 2 Select the template you want to delete from the Existing Templates box, then click
Delete. A window appears asking if you want to delete the template.
Step 3 Click OK to delete it.
Managing Configuration Jobs
This is window allows you view a list of all the jobs in their various states. It also
allows you to create, edit, and filter, and undo configuration jobs.
The topics covered in this section are:
• Creating a Configuration Job, page 3-99
• Viewing Configuration Job Status, page 3-99
Filtering a Job, page 3-102
Editing a Job, page 3-102
Deleting a Job, page 3-103
Stopping a Job, page 3-103
Viewing Job Run Details, page 3-103