Thermo Products PHCFA072DV4R Furnace User Manual

1. Call for heat TSTAT closes sending 24 volts to “W”.
2. The 24 volt relay closes sending 115v to the inducer in the ventor assembly.
3. The inducer comes up to speed and provides flow and pressure which closes the pressure switch.
4. Upon this pressure switch closing, T & T are closed to bring on the burner.
To initially fire the oil burner, proceed in the following manner:
a. Turn the disconnecting switch, which provides power to the appliance, to the "OFF" position.
b. Set the room thermostat above room temperature.
c. Verify the oil tank is filled with sufficient fuel oil to operate the appliance.
d. Open all valves in the oil supply line to the burner.
e. Remove the burner compartment cover from the appliance.
f. Turn the disconnecting switch to “ON”.
g. Prime the pump to remove air in the oil supply line.
See Riello Burner Manual included.
h. The burner has been installed with the pump pressure pre-set to 145 psi, the turbulator set at 3
and the air gate set to 3. These are general preliminary settings and adjustments should be
made to ensure clean combustions for this application.
i. Replace burner cover.
j. The air adjustments can be made by removing the plastic plug on the top right side of the cover.
Turning the screw counter clockwise will increase the amount of combustion air. Turning the
screw clockwise will decrease the amount of combustion air. A small ¼ “ diameter hole should
be drilled in PVC just outside the furnace to insert the combustion sample hose. Remember to
seal hole after acquiring flue gas sample.
5. Burner now operates and can be properly set-up for clean combustion.
6. Blower comes on after delay on time.
Notice: To achieve proper combustion instruments must be used to secure CO
or O
and smoke samples.
Notice: Heat exchanger oil will burn off on initial firing creating an unpleasant odor. To prevent
this odor from occurring more than once, it is suggested the heating section be allowed to run for
30 minutes, or until odor has dissipated.