Mitsubishi Electronics MS24WN Air Conditioner User Manual

COOL mode of
DRY mode of
Initial room temperature Initial set temperature
79-F or more
77-F to 79-F
more than 55-F, less than 77-F
Initial room temperature
minus 4-F
Initial room temperature
minus 4-F
w 1 When the system is restarted with the remote controller, the system operates with the previous set temperature regard-
less of the room temperature at restart.
The set temperature is calculated by the previous set temperature.
(5) TEMPERATURE buttons
In “I FEEL CONTROL” ( ) mode, set temperature is decided by the microprocessor based on the room temperature.
In addition, set temperature can be controlled by TOO WARM or TOO COOL buttons when you feel too cool or too warm.
Each time the TOO WARM or TOO COOL button is pressed the indoor unit receives the signal and emits a beep tone.
Fuzzy control
When the TOO COOL or TOO WARM button is pressed the microprocessor changes the set temperature, considering
the room temperature, the frequency of pressing TOO COOL or TOO WARM button and the user’s preference to heat or
cool. So this is called “Fuzzy control”, and works only in “I FEEL CONTROL” mode.
In DRY mode of “I FEEL CONTROL”, the set temperature doesn’t change.
To raise the set temperature 2~4 degrees(°F)
To lower the set temperature 2~4 degrees(°F)
(4) The initial set temperature is decided by the initial room temperature.
2 Time control
When the three conditions as follows have been satisfied for 1 hour and 45 minutes, compressor stops for 3 minutes.
a. Compressor has been continuously operating.
b. Indoor fan speed is Low or Med.
c. Room temperature is below 79°F.
When compressor stops, the accumulated time is cancelled and when compressor restarts, time counting starts
from the beginning.
Time counting also stops temporarily when the indoor fan speed becomes High or the room temperature exceeds
79°F. However, when two of the above conditions (b.and c.) are satisfied again. Time accumulation is resumed.
1. Indoor fan speed control
Indoor fan operates at the set speed by FAN SPEED CONTROL button.
In AUTO the fan speed is as follows.
Initial temperature difference
Room temperature minus set temperature : 3 degrees or more········································High
Room temperature minus set temperature : Between 2 and 3 degrees····························Med.
Room temperature minus set temperature : less than 2 degree······································· Low
2. Coil frost prevention
1 Temperature control
When the indoor coil thermistor RT12 or RT13 reads 30°F or below, the coil frost prevention mode starts immediately.
However the coil frost prevention doesn’t work for 5 minutes since the compressor has started.
The indoor fan operates at the set speed and the compressor stops for 5 minutes.
After that, if RT12 or RT13 still reads below 30°F this mode prolonged until the RT12 and RT13 reads over 30°F.
2 deg. 3 deg.
4 deg.
8-1-1. COOL mode of “I FEEL CONTROL”
Fan speed
Difference between room
temperature and set tem-
perature during operation
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