4500 Thermostat Installation Instructions
To Enter and Use the 4286 Programming Mode:
1. Pick up a premises touch tone phone connected to the 4286 handset
2. Enter the 2 digit phone code on the phone keypad. If the 4286 is
announcing, wait until system status announcements have been
completed, then press # 98. The 4286 will announce the contents of
programming field 00.
New data may be entered into each field once the field contents are
announced. Once accepted, the new data will be echoed back with an
announcement. If an erroneous entry is detected, a buzzer sound will be
heard in the receiver and the current field and data will be repeated. If
you wish to change the data again, reenter it after the echoed
3. Once you are satisfied with a field entry, press ✴ to go on to the next
field. If you want to go back one field, press #. Pressing ✴ after Field 15
will return you to Field 00. Likewise, pressing # at Field 00 will put you
back to Field 15.
If you do not need to program all fields, such as to modify a program
already entered, press ✴ on the phone keypad to advance by one field
each time until desired field number is announced. For example,
pressing ✴ ✴ ✴ will advance the field from 00 to 03.
Programming Fields
The following programming fields need to be programmed as described in
previous steps 1 thru 3.
System default settings are indicated by [default] following an entry.
Field 00: Monitored Keypad Address
This field enables or disables the 4500 thermostat AND speaker output
features and selects which keypad to monitor.
Make an entry based on the following chart: