Haier ESA412K Air Conditioner User Manual

connected with indoor unit is called master one, the other is called slave one.
Master wired controller and indoor unit; master and slave wired controllers are
all connected through 3 pieces of polar wire.
3. Communication wiring:
The wired controller is equipped with special communication wiring in the
accessories. 3-core terminal (1-white 2-yellow 3-red) is connected with the
terminal AǃBǃC of wired controller respectively.
The communication wiring is 4 meter long; if the actual length is more than it,
please distribute wiring according to below table:
Communication wiring length˄m˅ Dimensions of wiring
<100 0.3mm
X3-core shielded wire
ı100 and <200 0.5mm
X3-core shielded wire
ı200 and <300 0.75mm
X3-core shielded wire
ı300 and <400 1.25mm
X3-core shielded wire
ı400 and <600 2mm
X3-core shielded wire
Ć One side of the shielded sheet of communication wire must be earthed.
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