The Zoneline
4100 and 6100 Series have incorporated changes suggested by customers, along with
enhancements by GE’s Technology Team and changes necessary to meet new UL and NEC requirements.
“L” shaped condenser coil.
Cross flow blower across the product line for quieter operation.
The “Partial Open Vent Air” feature was a specific request by a customer.
“Heat Sentinel” is an enhancement developed by GE’s Technology Team to help lodging professionals welcome their
guests with a moderate-temperature room and to help lower cooling costs.
Devices have been added on cord-connected units to protect against injury from unsafe power cords.
See the “Features and Benefits” section for in-depth explanation of these changes and the industry-leading features
of GE Zoneline retained from the previous series.
The Deluxe 4100 Series Zoneline models include The “Dry Air 25” models
which remove 25% more moisture than other Zoneline models.
Deluxe Dry Air 25 Models
Cooling With Resistance Heat
• Removes25%moremoisturethanstandardZonelinemodels.
• CoolsanddriesairinlesstimethanstandardZonelinemodels
• DryAirisaseparatesealedrefrigerantsystem
— No mechanical parts — No special maintenance required
• Helpsmaintainlowerrelativehumidityinrooms
• Maintainscomfortatslightlyhigherroomtemperatures
— Reduces operating costs — Provides comfort without
• Corrosiontreatmentisstandard
• Excellentchoiceforhumidclimates
• Availablein7000,9000and12000BTUsizes
The Dry Air 25 system, a heat pipe, is a hermetically sealed
heat transfer surface installed in a “saddlebag” configuration
around the indoor (evaporator) coil of the Zoneline unit. This
coil arrangement will transfer heat from the front coil of the
saddlebag to the rear coil without power consumption.
This assembly uses R-410A as the refrigerant and is not
connected to the regular Zoneline refrigerant circuit.
As warm, humid air is pulled through the pre-cool (front)
section of the heat pipe, the heat removed from the air is
absorbed by the refrigerant, causing the refrigerant to change
to a gas and flow to the re-heat (rear) section of the heat
pipe. The air leaving the pre-cool section of the heat pipe is
cooler and at a higher relative humidity level than the room
air. The pre-cooled air is further cooled as it passes through
the evaporator; consequently allowing the evaporator coil to
remove more moisture.
When the cold air from the evaporator comes in contact
with the re-heat section of the heat pipe, the heat that was
removed by the pre-cool section is added back to the air
and the refrigerant in the heat pipe condenses and flows
back to the pre-cool (front) section. The air discharged into
the room by this process is much drier, creating a more
comfortable room condition.
The Dry Air 25 models center around GE’s exclusive use of
the patented Dinh
Dehumidifier Heat Pipe from Heat Pipe
Technology, Inc. This innovative NASA spin-off technology
enables Dry Air 25 to remove 25% more moisture from the
air than other leading manufacturers’ packaged terminal air
conditioners. This helps maintain room comfort at a higher
room temperature, reducing operating costs.
The Dry Air 25 keeps a room cool and dry, and this is the
most important benefit when it comes to the occupant of
the room—hotel guests, apartment residents, students. In a
hot, humid climate, getting away from the humidity is just
as important as getting away from the heat, and the Dry Air
25 is the perfect solution. The dehumidification of the Dry
Air 25 has been verified by the same ARI test conditions that
standard units are rated under.