Rosemount Tank Radar REX
Chapter 7 Bus Modems
Installation Manual
308014EN, Edition 4
May 2013
7.1.6 USB Driver Installation
The USB interface requires a Virtual COM Port driver. Rosemount
TankMaster version 4.F1 and higher fully supports Virtual COM Ports.
The driver is included on the Rosemount TankMaster CD version 4.F1
and higher.
To install the USB driver do the following:
1 Plug the USB cable into the FBM 2180 and to the USB port on the com-
puter. The Found New Hardware Wizard dialog for the FBM 2180 Serial
Converter will appear:
2 Follow the instructions on the screen for the FBM 2180 driver. The FBM
2180 drivers can be found on the installation CD for the Rosemount
TankMaster software. If you have the drivers on another location, choose
“Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and browse to the
folder where the drivers are located.
3 When the FBM 2180 driver installation is finished the Found New Hard-
ware Wizard dialog for the FBM 2180 Serial Port driver will appear: