Rosemount Tank Radar REX
Chapter 1 Introduction
Installation Manual
308014EN, Edition 4
May 2013
1.1 Manual Overview
This manual provides information about mechanical and electrical
installation of Rosemount TankRadar REX equipment. It covers the
TankRadar REX 3900 series of transmitters, and also provides
instructions for TRL/2 Data Acquisition Units, Field Communication Units
and Field Bus Modems.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the
Rosemount TankRadar REX radar gauging system.
Chapter 2 gives a brief description of safety concepts and
European ATEX Directive information.
Chapter 3 describes the 3900 transmitter head and the cor-
responding antennas.
Chapter 4 describes the Data Acquisition Unit in the
TankRadar REX system.
Chapter 5 describes the Display Unit RDU 40.
Chapter 6 describes the Field Communication Unit (FCU).
Chapter 7 describes Bus Modems used for communication
between a workstation and a TankRadar REX level gauging
Chapter 8 describes various types of Junction Boxes that
can be used to connect different system units.
Chapter 9 provides information on how to connect a
TankRadar REX system to a host computer system.
Chapter 10 describes how to assemble the various gauge
types and how to mount them on a tank.
Chapter 11 describes electrical installation of the
TankRadar REX gauge system.
Chapter 12 describes installation of sub-supplier equipment
used in the TankRadar REX system.
Chapter 13 provides a list of installation drawings.
Chapter 14 provides technical data for the different REX