Testthe SafetyReversalSystem
• With the door fully open, placea 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) board (or a
2x4 laid flat) on the floor, centered under the garagedoor.
• Operatethe door in the down direction. Thedoor mustreverse
on striking the obstruction.
• If the door stops on the obstruction, it is not traveling far
enough in the down direction. CompleteAdjustment Step 1.
NOTE:On a sectional door, make sure limit adjustments do not
force the door arm beyond a straight up and down position.
SeeFigure 3, page20.
• Repeatthe test.
• Whenthe door reverseson the 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) board (or 2x4
laid flat), removethe obstruction and run the openerthrough
3 or 4 complete travel cycles to test adjustment.
• If the unit continues to fail the Safety ReverseTest, call for a
trained door systems technician.
Testthe Safety ReverseSystem after:
• Eachadjustment of door arm length, limits, or force controls.
• Any repair to or adjustment of the garagedoor
(including springs and hardware).
• Any repair to or buckling of the garagefloor.
• Any repair to or adjustment of the opener.
Without a properly installed safety reversalsystem, persons
(particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLYINJUREDor
KILLEDby a closing garagedoor.
• Safety reversalsystem MUST betested every month.
• After ANY adjustments are made,the safety reversalsystem
MUSTbe tested. Door MUSTreverse on contact with
1-1/2" (3.8 cm) high object (or 2x4 laid flat) on the floor.
(or a 2x4 laid flat)
• Pressthe remote control push button to open the door.
• Placethe opener carton in the path of the door.
• Pressthe remote control push button to close the door. The
door will not move more than an inch (2.5 cm), and the opener
lights will flash.
Thegarage door openerwill not close from a remote if the
indicator light in either sensor is off (alerting you to the fact that
the sensor is misaligned or obstructed).
If the openerclosesthe doorwhen thesafety reversingsensor
is obstructed(and the sensorsare nomore than 6" (15 cm)
abovethefloor), call for a trained doorsystemstechnician.
Without a properly installed safety reversing sensor, persons
(particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLYINJUREDor
KILLEDby a closing garagedoor.
SafetyReversingSensor Safety Reversing Sensor