NetworkAIR ACPA400020
Set Environmental Controls
The equipment controls the environment through the use of schedules. There are nine schedules; one
schedule has default settings and the other eight schedules are programmable. Cooling during the times
and days for which there is no programmed schedule is performed according to the default schedule
(Control Environment).
Default schedule
Path: Main menu > Control Environment.
The default schedule controls cooling when other schedules are not available or are deactivated.
Note: Changes to the default schedule do not override active schedules.
Mode. The mode settings are Cool, Vent Only, or System Off. Vent Only provides circulation without
cooling the room. The System Off option stops the equipment and the blower. The Cool option engages
the compressor (after a delay) and cools the room.
Set Point. The setpoint is the target temperature the equipment maintains in the room. The acceptable
range for setpoints is 15.6 to 32.2°C (60 to 90°F).
Deadband. The deadband is the range above the setpoint at which cooling begins. The equipment does
not begin to cool until the room temperature is at the setpoint plus the deadband. The acceptable range
for the deadband is 0.6 to 1.7°C (1 to 3°F).
Note: The deadband for the system must be set to Control Environment. It cannot be set for
each schedule.